Have you worked with students who identify as LGBTQIA+?. Have you worked with students who identify as neuroatypical?. Are you familiar with students from the South, Northeast, Midwest, Northwest, Southwest?. Have you worked with students from rural or urban environments?. Have you worked with first-generation students? International students? Students from underrepresented minority groups?. In other words, how diversity is interpreted depends largely on the institution, its location, and its current student population. Conversely, schools in North Carolina might be concerned with the enrollment and matriculation of Indigenous students. For example, if you are considering a college or university set in the mountains, it may mean a student population that identifies as Appalachian. It allows you to really consider your commitments to students and examine what diversity could mean. However, not having a definition can be freeing. Does the office of institutional research publish public reports about diverse populations?. How has the university’s alumni magazine discussed the current student population?. Does the university have a diversity and inclusion office? If so, what is its mission statement?. Does the university have a diversity statement on its website?. However, there are still clues, usually provided by the institution. You may find yourself at a loss for how to talk about a concept that is not defined. This lack of definition can be frustrating. There is no universal definition that all institutions use for diversity. A successful diversity statement talks about your background and how you will create a diverse and inclusive learning environment for all students. A university that seeks this statement from applicants is typically concerned with ensuring that faculty hires are familiar with its diverse student populations and willing to support students in line with the university’s mission statement.
It tends to be a one- to two-page document that explains your experiences with and commitments to diverse populations of students. The diversity statement is a relatively new addition to the job application portfolio. Overall, this handout offers insights into the form and construction of an effective diversity statement. Although it is geared toward academic jobs, much of the advice throughout this handout can be used to construct diversity statements for other fields.
This handout will help you write a diversity statement in preparation for an academic job. Diversity Statements What this handout is about